About sponges

proccessed natural spongeCommercial sponges.

When we say sponges, we usually mean commercial sponges. Sponges that keep their durability and softness once processed.

They are the sponges we all know and we use for daily care. We use them also in industry, painting, homeopathetic, birth control etc.

Non commercial sponges.

In fact, there are thousands kinds of sponges. At a tremendous number of sizes, shapes and colors.

Luckily, only 5 or 6 kinds are "valuable" and fished as commercial sponges. The rest considered as "no value" and left in place, for us to admire!

Following is a sample of non commercial sponges that we meet during our dives. Enjoy their colors and shapes!

Sarcotragus spinulosus, Black Sponge, Μαύρο Σφουγγάρι Agelas oroides and Haliclona mediterranea Aplysilla sulfurea, Orange Encrusting Sponge, Portokali Exoskeletiko dfoygari.jpg Sponges - Dysidea avara (Pink Sponge - Ροζ Σφουγγάρι) and Axinella cannabina (Stathori - Σταθόρι)-auto Aplysina aerophoba, Yellow Tube Sponge, Κίτρινο Σωληνωτό Σφουγγάρι Petrosia ficiformis, Stony Sponge, Πετρώδες σφουγγάρι Raspaciona aculeata, Red hispid sponge, Κόκκινο Τριχωτό Σφουγγάρι Sarcotragus spinulosus, Black Sponge, Μαύρο Σφουγγάρι Crambe crambe - Orange-red Encrusting Sponge - Πορτοκαλί-Κόκκινο Εξωσκελετικό Σφουγγάρι Aplysina aerophoba Axinella spp. – Κίτρινο αξινέλι (κίτρινοι σπόγγοι με διακλαδώσεις) Spongia agaricina - Elephant Ear - Λαγόφυτο Petrosia ficiformis, Stony Sponge, Πετρώδες σφουγγάρι Phorbas tenacior - Blue Encrusting Sponge - Μπλέ Εξωσκελετικό Σφουγγάρι Haliclona rosea Chondrosia reniformis - Kidney shaped Sponge - Σφουγγάρι σε σχήμα νεφρού (Σβούρδουκλας) Dysidea fragilis

New generation medicines from sponges!

The discovery of marine derived natural products, is a promising new field. By 2010 more than 15,000 new marine natural products (NMNP) were discovered. 

Marine sponges are the richest sources of NMNP. With about 4851 compounds to date. Contributing to 30% of all marine natural products discovered so far.

Many studies have revealed a broad spectrum of biological activities for these compounds.

Including anticancer, antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, antiprotozoal, anthelmintic, anti-inflammatory, immunosuppressive, neurosuppressive, neuroprotective, antifouling.

And a range of other bioactivities.


Visit our website for more information: kalymnosdiving.gr

Our facebook page with daily cativity and photos: facebook.com/kalymnosdiving

Contact us

Mikes Reissis
+30 6973015550

Mikes Reissis, Owner & Managing Instructor, Reservations

Nikolas Reissis
+30 6947604120 

Nikolas Reissis, Information


Email us: Please use the Contact form



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Kalymnos Island

Kalymnos is an unspoiled picturesque Greek island. Located between Kos Island and Leros Island in the Aegean sea, Greece.

KALYMNOS Diving Center

We are an authorized PADI 5 Star Dive Resort. The only one on the island. Pioneer since 2008.

KALYMNOS Diving Center is an Authorized PADI 5 Star Dive Resort

With individual care and attention, we offer:

Recreational scuba diving and PADI training for beginners and for certified divers.

We offer Free PADI eLearning for all courses.

Decrypting the "PADI 5 Star Dive Resort"

PADI = Professional Association of Diving Instructors. The biggest diving training organization worldwide.

5 Star = we provide professional and outstanding service

Dive Resort = we cater to the traveling diver.

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